Love Anthony - Lisa Genova

After reading Still Alice, I came into Love Anthony expecting a similar story, told in the perspective of someone with an expert knowledge of autism (or at least as expert as anyone can be). Instead I was surprised to find that Love Anthony was purely a literary novel. 

I'm happy to report that even without having expertise to rely on, Lisa Genova is a solid writer. I found that I thoroughly enjoyed Love Anthony as I did Still Alice and I did not miss that scientific expertise that made Still Alice so memorable. I liked the characters and was impressed by how real Anthony seemed, based on my own experience in working with children with autism. 

I will admit though that the end skirted on a very thin line between genuine and hokey. It was kind of weird and I'm still not convinced that it totally works. I still enjoyed the book, and thankfully the end did not ruin the rest of the book for me but I'm sure there are people who will dislike this book because of the way it ends.